About me

I have been writing poetry and stories since I was a child, and a love of reading was instilled in me from an early age. I am passionate about writing, and hope you enjoy the books I have written. Whilst most of you sleep soundly in your beds, like many Parkinson’s patients, insomnia dictates, so during those hours that sleep eludes me, the house is tranquil and quiet, an atmosphere perfect to immerse myself in writing. My life has been a series of strange events, which have without doubt contributed to my creativity. To publish anything is to bear one’s soul to the world. It is to stand naked and let everyone see who you really are. I have poured my heart and soul out on paper and I hope to share this journey, immersing you in a story, capturing your attention and firing the imagination. Through my writing and public speaking I hope to bring greater awareness to the general public about living with chronic disease.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Fifty Ways

Listening to the words of the classic song by Paul Simon, "50 Ways To Leave Your Lover", I thought wouldn't it be something if there were 50 ways to leave Parkinson's. I think we can all agree that finding just one way, would suffice and be the miracle that millions around the world are waiting for with baited breath. As the words say: "the problem is all inside your head". Well that line sure hits the spot, for Parkinson's is caused by the brain not making enough dopamine, a necessary chemical enabling smooth free movement. Oh how I wish there were 50 ways to leave Parkinson's. Unfortunately one can't "just slip out the back", so to "make a new plan" is necessary. But wouldn't it be wonderful to "get yourself free"? I'm quite sure Paul Simon didn't have Parkinson's in mind when he wrote this song.

Almost every week, new breakthroughs, research or clinical trials are taking place somewhere around the world, and whilst all this is very encouraging, I do wish a cure were in sight. The clock is ticking, the days pass by, and a degenerating disease doesn't have the courtesy to stop and wait for a cure to be passed by the FDA. Like a non-stop express train, it speeds forward, so time is of the essence. To all you scientists and doctors out there, diligently working hard to come up with the answer; please hurry.

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