as Parkinson's progresses, I find a little more of myself disappearing each day. I almost feel
as if in mourning for the lively vivacious young woman I once was. Where did
she go to? How I wish I could find her, and bring her back? I know my spirit,
the very essence that makes me who I am is still deep within me, but cloaked in
a darkening veil, Parkinson's is beginning to block out the sun and my days are
becoming grayer. I'm afraid my husband may start to lose sight of the woman he fell
in love with. I strive to do all I can to keep on an even keel, spending most
of my day doing voice therapy, physical therapy exercises, walking with Nordic
Poles, eating even when I have no appetite and nothing entices me, trying to
keep up my appearance by dressing well, doing my hair and make-up. Baking and
cooking, so our kitchen is filled with fresh home-made goodies, like it used to
be. Just keeping up with all this each day is exhausting. I know I must keep
going, despite sometimes feeling despondent. The only thing that pushes me on,
and makes me fight with every fiber of my being is the steadfast love of my husband and
my darling daughter. Without the love and support of these two special people
in my life, I would have no reason to continue my battle. I am weary, beyond
exhaustion, as if both diseases are sapping me of everything but my spirit.

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