There appears to be a fairly new diagnostic imaging technique, and
although still in it's early stages, this is exciting news. Hopefully in the near
future, the system will enable accurate early diagnosis, instead of patients having
to wait until the disease begins to manifest itself sufficiently, enabling a
neurologist to ascertain a correct diagnosis. Early detection is the key. I was
fortunate to be diagnosed very quickly, just three months from when the first
tremors started in my leg. As I have explained before, my particular case is a little
unusual, as my father and one brother, having Gaucher disease also had
Parkinson's, clearly a hereditary connection in our family, making my diagnosis
obviously that much faster. The imaging test which is still in its infancy, but
sounds like it has much potential if used alongside clinical exams and family medical
history, might be able to differentiate between the various PD syndromes. If
you are interested, take a look at The Science Daily.
About me
I have been writing poetry and stories since I was a child, and a love of reading was instilled in me from an early age. I am passionate about writing, and hope you enjoy the books I have written. Whilst most of you sleep soundly in your beds, like many Parkinson’s patients, insomnia dictates, so during those hours that sleep eludes me, the house is tranquil and quiet, an atmosphere perfect to immerse myself in writing. My life has been a series of strange events, which have without doubt contributed to my creativity. To publish anything is to bear one’s soul to the world. It is to stand naked and let everyone see who you really are. I have poured my heart and soul out on paper and I hope to share this journey, immersing you in a story, capturing your attention and firing the imagination. Through my writing and public speaking I hope to bring greater awareness to the general public about living with chronic disease.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Parkinson's doesn't discriminate
Parkinson's does not discriminate; it's not perturbed if you're young or
old, rich or poor, what religion and background, or the colour of your skin.
Parkinson's isn't bothered who you are, and like a school class bully, with no
rhyme or reason, randomly decides who to victimize. To be diagnosed with
Parkinson's is life shattering news, but early detection can make a big difference,
especially regarding medications that work best when administered in the early
stages, enabling optimal effect. Appropriate physical activity, should
immediately become a part of one's daily routine, ensuring that mobility, range
of motion, muscles and bones along with a healthy diet; all of which will give
your body the best possible scenario to fight this disease that uninvited,
crept into your life, hoping to cause chaos. Don't let it! Do all you can to
keep this bully in the principal's office.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Why the sexy robes?
I received several e-mails asking the same question, and hope you don't
mind that I answer you all in my blog today. I began to wonder how many others
don't understand the reason for the "sexy robes" one often has to wear
in hospital, if having an operation and during post surgery.
I am sure you realise I am referring to the embarrassingly open down the back robes;
exposing one's backside if you're not careful, with one tiny pathetic ribbon
tied at the back of the neck! These are about as sexy as thermal underwear. As
if this isn't bad enough, to top off the incredible ensemble, a disposable
shower cap of sorts is added to cover one's hair. A more attractive look I cannot
think of! Who needs a cold shower, when all you have to do is pop on one of
these fabulous hospital robes adorned with disposable shower cap - and I can
assure you any amorous thoughts are promptly dispelled.
However, I digress, and now will answer your question as to "why"
hospitals around the world insist on banding together, all using similar garments
which wouldn't be found anywhere near a couture fashion house. The reason is
very simple: when going into surgery, as soon as someone is unconscious on the
operating table, like a dead weight, it is extremely difficult to
physically remove pyjamas or even a regular night gown, not to mention wasting
precious theatre time. By using these robes with a single tie at the neck, it
takes but a second to undo, easily removing the robe, allowing the surgeon and team
to get on with their job. Likewise, once the operation is complete, again it is
far quicker and simple to put this unappealing robe back on the patient. If a
patient is hooked up to an infusion or other paraphernalia, ordinary bed ware
would get in the way, hindering the nurses in doing their job post surgery. So now
you know there is indeed a legitimate and very good reason for this most unattractive attire.
There is a lovely scene in the romantic comedy film "Something's GottaGive", where Jack Nicholson bares it all from behind in one these famous
hospital robes.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Frequent hospitalisation
Having been hospitalized many a time, I absurdly refer to the hospital
as my "second home"! Over the years I have come to know most of the doctors, nurses and staff in different departments. I would have thought by
now, they'd offer me a deal; two visits for the price of one, or maybe a
"frequent visit card"! With Parkinson's, I always have to ensure I've
enough pills with me to cover my hospital stay, and I am held solely responsible for
taking them. I always take with a list of my PD medications, dosages and times
of day, so that the staff are aware of what I am taking, in addition to any
medications that I'm allergic to, which I clearly mark in bright red. I had hip
surgery a few years ago, and am so familiar with pre-operation procedures, I
took it all in my stride. However, I did have to laugh when the surgeon drew a
large arrow with a black marker on my leg indicating which one was to be
operated, ensuring no mistakes once l lay unconscious on the operating table.
The wrist band with my name on it, was reassuringly checked several times
before I was finally wheeled into the operating room, where it is always so
cold, I feel as if I've arrived at the North Pole. But alas no reindeer,
cookies or hot chocolate, just a warm blanket was placed over me until the anaesthesiologist asked me to count back from ten, "10, 9, 8" is
probably as far as I've ever managed to get before blissfully falling under his
spell (or rather from the anaesthetic that's entered my veins). As long as
I'm out for the count, and I can't see or hear anything, I'm just fine, and when
I eventually open my eyes, I find I've magically returned from the North Pole
and thankfully find myself in the warmer climate of the recovery ward. Even though the operation may have been a total success, it is ultimately up to the patient to make a full recovery, ensuring to follow any instructions, and physiotherapy being of great importance should be taken very seriously and done meticulously on a regular basis.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Becoming a burden
My mother's biggest fear was becoming a burden to her family in her old
age. When I was diagnosed with Parkinson's five years ago, I began to understand
her almost obsessive fear, as I too now worry about the future and becoming a
burden to my darling husband. A book
entitled "…and death came third!" written by Andy Lopata, states that
in 1984 a New York Times survey was held on social anxiety. Odd as it may
sound, the number one fear people had was walking into a room full of
strangers, followed by speaking in public. What is amazing, is that
"death" came in third place! Hard to believe, but you can't argue
with statistics. I guess my priorities have changed very much over the years.
Walking into a room full of strangers doesn't phase me, and I find public speaking is
most definitely not a problem. Even the survey's third most common fear;
death, has never worried me at all. I think my number one fear would have to be
the same as my mother's, for being a burden on one's family is infinitely more distressing
than anything else I can think of. I hope a cure is on its way and that I can
enjoy a long life with my husband and grow old together. I want to be one of those
couples you see with silver grey hair, wrinkles and lots of laugh lines, still
in love and holding hands as they sit on a park bench. It's not much to ask
for, and it may sound a small dream to you, but it's the dream closest to my
Monday, November 26, 2012
Feeling the odd one out
Sitting at a friend's house having a get-together, I was looking forward
to the prospect of stimulating good conversation, catching up on everyone's
news; to laugh and generally have a break from the every day worries and
concerns that engulf us all. As I sat there, expectantly waiting for someone to
start talking, I realised I was the odd one out. For a change, I wasn't the odd
one out for having two chronic diseases, but felt singled out for a very
different reason. Each person was absorbed in either texting someone in great
urgency, reading an e-mail that had just arrived necessitating immediate
attention, apologetically making a phone call that could not be left till
later, or typing a date into their diary of extreme importance. They were all so engrossed
in their smart phones, that they appeared to have forgotten the purpose of us
getting together. Eventually I opened my mouth, not able to contain myself any
longer, and asked if anyone would like to actually talk. Their astonished faces
were a picture as they suddenly all looked at me whilst still clutching their
precious smart phones that they could not possibly function without, and I began
to wonder where present technology has lead us. The possibilities and functions
that these smart phones can perform are truly amazing, and without doubt a huge
help in our busy lives, where time is precious and there never seem to be enough
hours in the day. However, I don't think that our lives should revolve around a
piece of technology (however great it is) or that the world will fall apart if
whilst in company for an hour or two, you leave your smart phone in your bag. I
may be old fashioned, but I call it common courtesy, when in company it would
be a smart move to leave your phone alone and take time to enjoy communicating
with those around you.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
I have a name
Thank you 'anonymous' who left me a comment on Friday's blog
regarding "Parkinson's
does not define you". It
was sadly a well-founded comment, and who ever you are, have clearly spent much
time, like myself in hospital. The comment (for those of you who may not have
seen it) was: "In hospital so many times Doctors on there rounds would say
on arriving at my bed this is Parkinson's. Naturally this is not my name but as
you say people are sometimes called by their illness and not their name. Not
Despite the marvellous care I receive, and I am fortunate to be under one
of the best hospitals, which deservedly holds a fine reputation, I have to agree
with anonymous' comment. The 'old school' of the doctor or surgeon making his rounds
followed by his entourage is standard procedure in most hospitals. Standing
at the foot of your bed, with all eyes upon you, not bothering to say good
morning, or using your name, is insulting and lacks compassion, referring to
you in the third party, talking about you as if you are merely 'a disease' and
not a person at all. Then after discussing your case, the group leave, not waiting
a second, should you want to ask a simple question, they hurry on to the next
patient without pause or consideration for the patient. I am sorry to say that
this practice still exists today, having personally experienced it a number of times, and although I have become accustomed to this archaic practice; fully
realising that time is of the essence and 'the doctor's rounds' are not a social
call, there is a need for change in attitude. I hope if you are a doctor
reading this, you will please take note, as from a patient's viewpoint, this behaviour
not only lacks empathy and is upsetting,
but quite frankly makes you appear in a bad light. Please address a
patient with courtesy, a smile, and most of all, don't
call me "Gaucher with Parkinson's" …..I have a name, and it's Elaine
Friday, November 23, 2012
Parkinson's does not define you
At a Parkinson's event some time ago, I found people coming up to me
saying they'd got Parkinson's, or caregivers would tell me their wife, husband
or parent had Parkinson's. As I listened, I became acutely aware that nobody
was thinking of introducing themselves by their name, but instead referring to
Parkinson's first. It's often not what you say, but the way you say it. When
introducing myself, I say "hello, my name is Elaine Benton, and I'm an
author." I then may go on to speak about Parkinson's if it's relevant to
the situation. The difference to me is monumental, as I see the person first,
and not the disease. If you are an individual who happens to have Parkinson's,
make sure you use YOUR name and don’t give Parkinson's the honour of being
introduced first!!! You'd be surprised at how many people forget to say their
name, or what they do, where they come from, all of which seem incidental to
them, as they launch into "I've got Parkinson's". There is no doubt
that as a fellow sufferer, I whole heartedly agree and admit this lousy disease
rules much of our lives, and it won't go away. It irritatingly makes itself
present in a pesky way, much like a three year old child who has had too many
sweets and hyped up on sugar just wont sit still or go to bed. Don't give
Parkinson's the satisfaction of being more important than you. You are a
unique, special person, and I'm sure have interesting and wonderful things to
say. So put Parkinson's on the back seat and take a ride in the front for a
change. It may sound like a small difference, but the view is so much
Thursday, November 22, 2012
New Blog on The Huffington Post
Today I posted a new blog entry on The Huffington Post - Lifestyle
Section, entitled "Parkinson's gift of insomnia". Writing from
personal experience, I don't sugar coat anything - I tell it as it is with a
touch of British humour. I am thrilled at the opportunity of writing on a
weekly basis for The Huffington Post enabling me to get my message out to a
wide audience. Founded in 2005, New York
USA, by Arianna Huffington, Kenneth Lerer, Andrew Breitbart and
Jonah Peretti, the site offers news, blogs and original content covering a
wide array of interesting topics. In 2012, The Huffington Post became the first
commercially run, United States digital media enterprise to win a Pulitzer
Prize. The Huffington Post is ranked the most powerful blog in the world by The
Observer and Arianna Huffington was named in 2009 as number 12 in Forbes' first
ever list of the Most Influential Women in Media. The same year she was ranked
as number 42 in The Guardian's Top 100 in the Media List. On July 6th 2011, The
Huffington Post UK edition was launched, and now appears in various languages
around the world. I hope you will take time to have a look at my blog, and
please feel free to leave a comment. Feedback is always welcome.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Lost and found department
Being housebound most of the time; when the opportunity arises to get
out, I jump at it. Like an enthusiastic teenager (in my mind I hasten to add)
who's been offered reprieve from doing homework; with great eagerness, I put on
my shoes, as quickly as a Parkinson's patient can be expected, and I'm ready to
leave the confines of the house. This morning, I accompanied my husband who had
a meeting near the sea front. So here I sit writing to you all, looking out of
the windows of a café on the beach. It's early
morning, the sun is shining despite a fresh wind and a slight nip in the
air, as I watch people take their daily constitutional along the promenade, walking
their dogs or those with purpose in their step smartly dressed are off to work.
The waitress brings my coffee and watching the sea, the waves and white surf
crashing repeatedly on the shore, washing away the worries and chaos of life; even if for a short while, I feel at peace and relaxed. Out of the house,
seeing a different view, makes a very pleasant change and important for any
disabled person. I see a young couple holding hands as they stroll along the beach
and my mind goes back to the days when my husband and I would walk hand in
hand. I loved to walk, whether it be the beach or the forest. Walking and
exploring is something that Parkinson's has taken from me; a pleasure I've
lost, and would dearly like returned. Maybe I should try the 'lost and
found' department and see if anyone has handed in my 'lost ability to walk'.
Sometimes it’s the simple pleasures, that when lost, leave the largest impact.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Cheese cake will do it!
I was hospitalized many years ago and upon being admitted, my blood
pressure, blood tests and weight details were all noted. I was having a Gaucher bone crises, the severity of which necessitated hospitalisation as intravenous
morphine was administered for the chronic pain. At night somehow, the pain
seemed worse, and unable to sleep I wandered aimlessly up and down the
corridor. A sympathetic nurse taking pity on me, knowing I couldn't receive a
further dose of morphine for another hour, asked if I'd like a cup of tea. When
in chronic pain, an hour can feel like an eternity. Desperate for anything to
take my mind off the agonizing pain, I settled for the tea. A cup of tea, as
you've probably gathered, how every kindly meant, doesn't really help at all.
However, it made the nurse feel better, and she then had a further bright idea and offered me a piece of cheesecake from
the fridge in the nurses' station. Now cheesecake is an entirely different
matter, and although it does not possess any pain killing qualities; what it
lacks in pain relief, it makes up for as a tasty distraction. Having enjoyed
the tea and cake, I made my way back to bed. Shortly afterwards enough time had
elapsed; I was able to receive the next dose of morphine, and so the night
passed. The following night, I found myself in the hallway once more and the
same nurse beckoned me to the nurses station where I was treated again to tea
and cheesecake. This became a nightly ritual, no matter which nurse was on
duty, my midnight snack had become routine. After about a week I was discharged
from hospital but before leaving, they went over some tests, one of which was
my weight. I had mysteriously gained weight during my hospital stay. The nurse
checking again, said there had to be an error, and whoever had written my
weight upon arrival must have made a mistake. I sheepishly owned up to my
midnight tea and cake, to which she smiled and said "you must be the first
patient I've come across who has put on weight in hospital!" I told her
that cheese cake will do it!
Monday, November 19, 2012
My anchor
Stability in life is something most of us need, whether it be in a
relationship, one's career/job or financial security. Feeling safe and being in
control is a good feeling, but when Parkinson's or any degenerative disease
decides to take up residence, life is never quite the same again. Control over
even simple daily events become more challenging and feeling the loss of ability
to be self sufficient and independent loom frighteningly near. People are
generally at a loss when to offer help and when to step back and let me get on
with things, and I appreciate that its hard to know what to do. I understand
they do not want to seem unhelpful, but also don't want to make a big fuss when
there is no need. I often see on people's faces the indecisive look of
"should I offer t to help, or let her get on with it?" and realise
this is a difficult position to be in. The one stable thing in my life that I can
count on is my husband. His face is the last vision I have before going to
sleep, and is the first sight I am greeted by in the morning. I am blessed to
have a steadfast husband, who is my rock, and always there for me. Like an
anchor, he provides the stability that keeps me on an even keel, as we journey the years together, navigating through life's turbulent waters.
Parkinson's is changeable like the weather, and one never knows in advance if
it's going to be a good day or a bad one. Making plans in advance, is always
tricky, but the best advice I can give; is to simply take one day at a time.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Deep brain stimulation
Apart from the many medications that are on offer today, there is an
option that for some who have become medication intolerant, is the only choice
left. DBS - deep brain stimulation is a fairly invasive operation where a lead,
made up of four insulated wires are implanted in the brain. This lead passes
under the skin from the head down the neck to a small electrical device, much
like a pacemaker which is the power source that when turned on, delivers an
electrical pulse stimulating a particular area of the brain. Here is a link - I
warn you, this is not for the faint of heart. It is extremely graphic and even I,
who thought was made of cast iron when it comes to medical issues, found it
quite difficult to watch. Knowing several people who have undergone this
procedure, I take my hats off to you. I think it takes a great deal of courage
to undergo such an invasive operation. Whilst the medications I am on continue
to work well, having a DBS is not on my agenda for now. I have met some people who have had this procedure and it has only partially helped with their quality of life, whilst others have benefited very much. Some fellow sufferers in
Australia have recently undergone DBS and
it has been successful. I believe someone is about to undergo this operation in
the next day or two. I wish you good luck and a speedy recovery. My prayers and
thoughts are with you.
Friday, November 16, 2012
The Huffington Post
Trying to get my message out,
has been jolly hard work considering my poor state of health. Yet it is this
very state that drives me forward, determined not to give in, I battle two chronic
diseases with a fighting spirit and a positive attitude. I have spent many
hours writing, blogging each day, answering numerous e-mails I receive from around
the world, and taking on occasional public speaking engagements. When one is
talking about chronic disease, it is a topic that is far from sensational or sizzling;
therefore it is understandably harder to get people interested or to listen. Most
have not heard of Gaucher disease, justifiably so, as it is a rare disease with
only approximately 10,000 patients worldwide. I am also trying to reach fellow
sufferers / care givers, and to make the general public more aware. Everyone
has heard of Parkinson's, yet it's surprising how many assume it is a disease affecting
only the elderly, when in fact the number of young onset Parkinson's patients
is increasing. Generally people associate Parkinson's with simply shaking, and are
not aware of the many unpleasant symptoms that patients suffer from with this
degenerative disease. I was therefore thrilled and delighted to be asked by TheHuffington Post, to write a weekly blog for their Lifestyle Section and am very grateful for this opportunity. With a
worldwide circulation, I hope to further my campaign of reaching others in
similar circumstances, offering support and bringing greater awareness to issues
that are close to my heart.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
No patience
Talking with a dear friend, agreeing we have little or no patience for
people who make a mountain out of a mole hill; having both experienced ill
health to its nth degree. My friend in the role of caregiver, and myself in the
role as patient, leaves us with no tolerance for theatrics and hoo-hah that some
people feel it necessary to exhibit. I have been in and out of hospital more
times than I dare to count; experienced more than my fair share of surgery,
probably had every test you can possibly imagine and sometimes feel like a
human pin cushion! I remember some years ago, having my blood taken at a
medical centre sitting there quietly and patiently, I suddenly heard a woman
shrieking and several members of staff running around a lady, who looked like she
was about to topple off the chair she was sitting on. It took a few nurses to
lift the lady and lay her onto a nearby bed. Her husband took hold of her hand
in a gentle manner, whilst he calmly spoke in a soothing way to her. The women
had her hand clasped over her eyes which were tightly shut indicating she was
in severe pain. As she continued to scream, I began to feel compassion for this
lady who was clearly very distressed and in agony. I then noticed the nurses
standing around her and from the expression on their faces could deduce that
they had no empathy and were in fact looking cross and rather irritated as they
briskly walked away. It transpired that this award winning performance she had
put on for us all, was merely from having a simple blood test; a thin needle
being inserted into her arm! I couldn't believe my eyes, and have never seen
such an act before. Thankfully she
did not honour us with a repeat performance, for there was no standing ovation,
and like a show that obtained a bad review, it was a complete flop; her antics were
unwelcome and poorly received.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
A culinary challenge
I lost my sense of smell quite some time ago; often one of the first
symptoms of Parkinson's, which frequently goes unnoticed, as it diminishes slowly
over time and is of little annoyance or bother, until one day you suddenly realise
it has entirely gone. Usually when someone remarks on a delicious smell
emanating from the kitchen, or has noticed the dog is particularly smelly and
badly in need of a bath, you are abruptly made aware that you can no longer smell
a thing, and have lost one of your primary senses. My sense of taste has
recently also become less sensitive, and I find I am more inclined to eat
strong flavoured foods, spicy dishes in particular. Trying to maintain a balanced
healthy diet when one is no longer enticed by appetizing smells, or delicately seasoned
foods is a problem. I have found that often my appetite wanes when nothing is
appealing to me, and it is worryingly easy to skip meals. I therefore have to
consciously make the effort to eat something, however little. Now you would
have thought there would be an up side of this, that those extra pounds that
insist on hanging around, would get the hint and start to disappear. Unfortunately
due to lack of mobility I am unable to do much physical activity, so shedding an
unwanted kilo or two is far harder said than done. Cooking for the family,
taking other's likes and dislikes into consideration, and striking a good
balanced diet for myself, when I'm not inspired to eat, is quite a culinary challenge.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Parkinson's Parisian style
Parkinson's disease can affect anyone - irrespective if you're male or
female, young or old, your origins and background; all of which bear no
consequence to this villainous thief that waltzes in and takes over millions of
lives around the world. Like a mad lottery run amock, some of us simply get a
bad draw, and are diagnosed with Parkinson's. Reading an article recently about
the legendary designer, Sonia Rykiel, who personifies Parisian chic style; she was instrumental in changing the world of fashion as we know it today. It's hard to imagine this vibrant
power house of a talented energetic woman being diagnosed with Parkinson's at the
age of 66. Yet she continues undeterred and like many of us; creativity remains
high on her agenda. I was interested to learn that apart from her contribution
to the world of fashion, she has written several books. If you have never been creative; diagnosed with Parkinson's wont magically bring out these
qualities, but it makes me wonder what are the statistics of Parkinson's patients
who were always creative prior to diagnosis. Whether it be writing, painting,
sculpturing, wood work, acting or in Sonia's case helping shape the world of fashion
- it's an interesting thought! As a fellow sufferer, Sonia shares something in
common with me, for we both had a parent also with Parkinson's, and we both
appear to have the 'happy gene', although I'm sure in France they call it 'joie
de vivre' (joy of living). Never having been to Paris before, it is one of the
things on my 'bucket list', and I hope very much that I manage to make it there
one day.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Someone is listening
Someone wrote on Facebook yesterday how it's a daily
struggle being in pain or feeling sick on the inside while you look fine on the
outside. You may know someone who has an invisible illness (Parkinson's,
Gaucher, Crohn's, Anxiety, Bipolar, Schizophrenia, Depression, Diabetes, Lupus,
MSME, Arthritis, Cancer, heart disease, Epilepsy, Autism, Dyslexia, etc.) Being
chronically ill, but appearing normal and healthy on the outside is a huge
problem and can be very frustrating. I am writing this today to prove a point,
that although you may sometimes feel alone, someone is always listening; there is support and help if you ask for it. People have preconceived ideas of what an ill or disabled person
should look like or how they should behave. These preconceptions are often
wrong. I am by nature a cheery person who smiles a lot, and this is not what
people expect to see when hearing I suffer from Gaucher and Parkinson's
disease. My cheerful exterior
confuses those who do not understand chronic disease. Having a good support
system is without doubt very important and the Internet has brought people
together from across the globe with a common thread, that holds us together and
gives us strength. With today's modern technology, Face Book, e-mail countless
sites on the Internet, finding someone who can relate to what you are going
through isn't hard to find. Realising you are not alone in your daily struggles makes each day a
little easier to bear. I am here listening. If you want to write - I will
reply, if you have a question I will answer. You are not alone!
Sunday, November 11, 2012
A snoring symphony
In the last few weeks, my
medications have been altered somewhat, and thankfully am feeling much better
than I have for some time. Parkinson’s ‘insomnia’ an unwelcome tenant, has
eventually been given an eviction notice, and hopefully has moved out for good.
From the tormenting on-going bone pains of Gaucher plus muscular and rigidity pains
of PD, sleeping pain free at night now, makes
all the difference, giving me the energy to battle through each day. I can't
remember the last time I had a full good night’s sleep with no pain; I'm not
talking of days or months, but literally years! With Parkinson's medications,
it's all a matter of trial and error, but for now, the regimen I am on seems to
be working well and I am the best I have been in a long time. Since I am
sleeping better at night, obviously my husband also sleeps better, although he complains
I snore!!! As if snore! OK I can hear your scepticism, and I can almost see you
smiling for you are possibly also guilty as charged, so I’ll come clean.
Unfortunately if the truth be known, I do snore; my poor long suffering
husband is sometimes treated to a wonderful symphony at night, and occasionally
our large dog joins in and we have a duet! Is it any wonder my husband is so tired;
he's up half the night listening to a private concert put on just in his
honour! And if he's really unlucky, he gets an encore!
Friday, November 9, 2012
Sailing through life
I spent most of my youth every weekend and holiday by the seaside,
sailing with my family. The menfolk smitten with the sea, sailing boats, entering
races and joining a yacht club all became part of our regular activities. In Britain
the winter is too cold to sail, so much of the equipment would be brought home
and this was a season to repair any damages, replace parts that were worn and
give everything a general overhaul. The sails would be hosed down meticulously,
dried thoroughly before being stored away in their bags until the spring. Not having
sailed for some years, I suddenly find myself again sailing, this time with my
husband who seems to have caught the ‘sailing bug’. Finding a hobby or activity
for a caregiver; having something of their very own, enabling ‘time out’ and a
little ‘escapism’ from the never ending tireless duty of taking care of a loved
one is of great importance. So at least once a week my darling goes sailing,
and on the odd occasion I join him. I have to admit, to get me on and off the boat
is quite a performance and incredibly difficult. For safety reasons I have my
own light weight PFD (personal flotation device) which is extremely comfortable
to wear and gives us peace of mind. Parkinson’s is not conducive to sailing as I
have a lack of balance, feel seasick (which I never suffered in my youth) and am unable to pull any ropes or participate in any way. I sit like a princess
whilst my husband and anyone with an adventurous spirit who has joined us for
the day do all the hard work. Although this activity is far from suitable for
someone in my condition, it is important as a married couple to do something recreational
together. For despite the many hours as we spend together at hospital visits; doctors’
appointments or going to meetings where I've been invited to speak - this is not
recreational and is a far cry from sailing. Whether you sail, play scrabble or
cards with friends, go to nature reserves, visit stately homes, museums – going
somewhere or having an activity that is not related to illness, is tremendously
important to the welfare of one’s marriage.

Thursday, November 8, 2012
Book Review
My latest book “A Silver Lining” has been
well received and the message of keeping cheerful, maintaining a positive
attitude and making the most out of my life whilst battling chronic disease
seems to be getting across. I am just an ordinary woman, who you would pass by
in the street, not realising for one moment what my life is like. We've all at
some point in our lives fallen in love, had children, lost loved ones, known
grief, laughed and felt joy; for all these things are part of life. Although
there is a serious undertone to my book, I have included many humorous true
stories which I am sure most of you will be able to relate to, making this book
light reading and hopefully bringing a smile to your face. A tale of two
diseases; I refuse to give up by using a sense of humour to get through each
day. Eternally optimistic I always manage to find a silver lining despite great
adversity. I would like to thank Barbara Morrison, a poet and writer, for writing a wonderful review of my book which you can read on her weekly blog site where
she writes from a literary viewpoint. "A Silver Lining is available from Amazon or from Smashwords.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Disease orchestrated
Having two chronic diseases makes my life quite difficult (and that’s a
British understatement if ever there was one!) Trying to keep both diseases under
control, receiving the optimum medication and improving my quality of life is
no mean feat. Our family doctor is the integral glue that like a conductor
holds an orchestra together; she is the central pivot of doctors who take care
of me specializing in their different fields. Like a driving force, with fresh
eyes and new ideas, she has made quite a difference to the ensemble who look after me. One section of my personal orchestra specializes in Gaucher whilst the
other sees to my Parkinson’s needs. But one needs a skilled ‘conductor’ (family
doctor) with soul, to hold it all together resulting in the best harmony. I think I can
honestly say, that I am feeling the best I have for quite a long time, and this
is thanks to all the doctors and nurses working together in unison. It has
taken quite some time with trial and error to get my Parkinson’s medications
just right, and now with the huge added bonus of being able to actually sleep
at night, so no more mid night writing sessions at the kitchen table till the
wee hours of the morning, I blissfully
sleep a whole night. What a pleasure! I cannot tell you for I don’t remember
the last time I slept an entire night with no pain. It might literally be
years! To sleep unhindered by pain, leaves me feeling refreshed and rejuvenated
in the morning and much more able to cope with getting through the day. Not to
mention that my husband is now not disturbed by my lack of sleep and the unpleasant
feeling of seeing me in pain and unable to do anything to help. So he too has
benefited and at long last can sleep undisturbed. I think if I had a theme tune
it would have to be a song by The Corrs, entitled “At Your Side”.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
“How are you?”
In general people are kind and thoughtful, and when asking “how are you?”
although I'm never entirely sure if they are just being polite and would prefer
a simple “ I'm fine thank you”, or if they really want to know. What bothers me
far more is that people don’t think to ask my husband, who is my caregiver. There
appears to be only one person who regularly asks my husband “and how are you?”
and this is our wonderful neurologist, who I thank my lucky stars that I am
under his expert care. Upon every visit, he always addresses my husband, and I
think his empathy and consideration mean a great deal to us both. So much focus
is generally on the patient, the caregiver is often left on the side lines,
when in fact they are an integral part of the picture. Some caregivers, given
half the chance, would love the opportunity to unload and talk about what they
are going through. Others, might prefer just to talk about anything except the
issue of care-giving for they live it 24/7 and need a break from its
suffocating effects. Each person is individual and deals with pressures and
concerns in their own way. Offering to help is always greatly accepted, but
only if it’s in a real and constructive way. Simply saying to someone “give me
a call if you need anything” is of no help whatsoever, as I can assure you,
someone in need will never pick up the phone and ask for help. What is greatly
appreciated is simple practical help. If for example you say “ I'm going to the
post office, do you need anything from there?” or “ I'm going to the
supermarket, do you need any groceries whilst I'm there?” This kind of immediate
direct offer is the best kind of help you can give a caregiver. Just helping
with a simple errand is much appreciated. So don’t wait to be asked – jump in
first and be proactive.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Sorry guys, but today’s hot topic is bras! Front fastening bras to be
precise – so you may want to skip this blog if you’re male! I promise
tomorrow’s blog will be gender free! Having Parkinson’s, dexterity in ones
fingers is seriously compromised, not to mention a lack of range of motion in
shoulders and arms – hence doing up a bra that fastens at the back requires some
assistance. I cannot manage this seemingly simple act, and have to enlist the
help of my husband or daughter. I need to be quick in the mornings, (which is
easier said than done for anyone with PD) to catch one of my family before they
disappear off to work, leaving me in my pyjamas for the entire day, which is neither
a nice feeling nor a pleasant sight. I was surprised and disappointed when
going into some of the well-known major stores in London who have underwear
departments with a large selection, including the helpful services of professional
fitters; for there were no front fastening bras suitable for a Parkinson’s
patient. There were of course maternity bras – but I think I'm pretty well past
the point of needing one of these. The only front fastening bras they could
offer had from 6 to 8 tiny hooks down the front, which require great dexterity
and made the bra into some huge cumbersome apparel. I have yet to find a front
fastening bra that is simple and easy for someone with Parkinson’s to manage
alone. Maybe manufacturers should think of creating something to fill this
need, for I'm sure there must be a market – I can’t be the only one!!!
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Hurricane Sandy
We all encounter ‘off’ days where we have a moan and feel a little sorry for
ourselves, but things are put sharply into perspective, as we recently watched
the terrible events on television unfold as Hurricane Sandy destroyed everything
in its path, leaving devastation behind. My heart goes out to all the people
affected by this natural disaster. I can’t begin to imagine what it must be
like to lose one’s home, and all one’s belongings. The rippling effects of the aftermath
are so enormous, it makes one wonder how and when some semblance of normality
will be re-established. Man can plan and take precautions, but in the final
event we are no match for Mother Nature’s natural elements. With the winter
weather arriving, the problems must be compounded, and merely keeping warm and
dry becomes a pressing concern. Our prayers and thoughts are with all the people
who have been affected, and may your lives be restored to normality as quickly as possible.
Friday, November 2, 2012
Staying positive
Negativity is contagious, and should be avoided like the plague. Being
around anyone who brings you down, makes you feel bad and has nothing but
negative things to say – this is a relationship that quite frankly you should
steer away from. People who say terrible hurtful things and although you may be
on the receiving end, those harsh words are not aimed at you, but are actually
revealing that they have a problem with their own identity. Sometimes people
simply don’t have a ‘filter’ and are unable to think before damaging spirit
crushing words come pouring forth. I have said it before, but can’t stress it
enough, that words have great power, and can have a good or bad affect. Staying
positive, not only is highly important to my own state of mental health, but
vital to my family and all those around me. Even if you are healthy it is just
as important to stay cheerful; battling disability or suffering chronic
disease, it becomes crucial to one’s well-being. A well-known line from a film
comes to mind: “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all”. I'm going to leave you guessing from which film this comes as I was surprised to
find its origin. But I think we can all agree that staying positive, cheerful
and looking on the bright side is most definitely more rewarding and resulting
in a better state of health both mentally and physically. Let me wish you all a
wonderful weekend, and hope that you are spending it with those who lift up
your spirits and bring joy into your life.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Parkinson’s effect on our children
How does suffering from Parkinson’s affect one’s children? This is a
question I have been asked many times. My personal situation is a little
unusual, since I was born with Gaucher, a chronic disease; therefore my
daughter has never seen me as a healthy person. She grew up not knowing
anything else, so when I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s at the age of 44,
although certainly upsetting, she obviously took it differently from a child
whose parent has always been healthy. However, when Parkinson’s hits someone who
has been healthy and led a normal life until diagnosis, the shock, realization
and changes that have to be made in the family are a tremendous challenge and
can be received with reluctance and conflict. For a child to understand that
things are never going to quite the same at home again must without doubt be a
scary and unsettling thought. Keeping children in the picture and up to date
with what is happening is very important. Children are far smarter than we give
them credit for, and retaining information from them is counter-productive. As
much as a child may end up helping in the home, they should not be robbed of
their ‘childhood’ and participation in extracurricular activities, should be encouraged.
The additional worry that a child may encounter is “will I also get
Parkinson’s?” This is only natural and a very valid question. Unfortunately
there is no clear answer to this question for now, but the likelihood is pretty
low. There is so much research going on all around the world, it’s only a
matter of time before our questions are answered, and a cure is found.
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