I'll not get back to sleep, I reluctantly get up. When I do manage to get a good night's sleep, I am thrilled if it's six hours, it makes all the difference, enabling me to cope better during the day. I had heard of insomnia before being diagnosed with Parkinson's, but never been subjected to it or understood how irritating and debilitating it could be, until experiencing it first hand. I guess this is what it's like with most things in life, one reads about or hears from someone, but until you are in their shoes it's not possible to fully appreciate or understand.
Many Parkinson's patients suffer from insomnia, and maybe you reading this blog experience the same thing. I'm quite sure in the middle of the night there must be a global community of insomniacs, industriously busy whiling away the hours till morning arrives. I write in these hours when the rest of my family are blissfully fast asleep. I know someone who bakes in the middle of the night, and his wife awakes to the delightful smell of home made biscuits that were made whilst she was sleeping. Although I get a fortune of writing done in these unsociable hours, quite frankly, insomnia sucks! If you have insomnia - what do you do with your time when you should be tucked up in bed? I'd love to hear from you, for I'm sure there are some interesting activities and hobbies that Parkinson's sufferers have taken up to keep occupied in the midst of the night.
Many Parkinson's patients suffer from insomnia, and maybe you reading this blog experience the same thing. I'm quite sure in the middle of the night there must be a global community of insomniacs, industriously busy whiling away the hours till morning arrives. I write in these hours when the rest of my family are blissfully fast asleep. I know someone who bakes in the middle of the night, and his wife awakes to the delightful smell of home made biscuits that were made whilst she was sleeping. Although I get a fortune of writing done in these unsociable hours, quite frankly, insomnia sucks! If you have insomnia - what do you do with your time when you should be tucked up in bed? I'd love to hear from you, for I'm sure there are some interesting activities and hobbies that Parkinson's sufferers have taken up to keep occupied in the midst of the night.
Yes Elaine, there must be plenty of us and I am one of them also. Thank goodness I am not a Parky but as far as Gauche's is, I might be if not the worst then very close. I have very bad bone involvement literally everywhere and a very lot of pain. I can not sleep for more than one and a half hours at the most and then have to get up. I have a game I like to play on my computer or I can play with my pet gerbils who I really love. I open the cage door and put my hands between the cage and me, the little guys come out and run all over me. They are so sweet and really enjoy playing with them. For anyone suffering from any nasty disease pets are known to be of enormous advantage. Laterally I also like to sit in the garden and just sit there with a cup of tea, it is so quite and dark and there is none in site at all. I find this very relaxing and can loos time as sometimes hours go by. I would much rather sleep a good six hours. Moty.