I remember when I first started using crutches to walk
around, I suddenly thought of a gadget to attach them to a table, as they
always seemed to fall down or get in the way when we were out at a café. As we
sat there, I even went as far as to draw a sketch of my idea on a paper napkin
and my husband and I came up with a really good catchy name for it. As soon as
we got home, we looked on the Internet to see if anything like this existed,
and lo and behold, almost identical to the gadget I had drawn appeared before
our eyes on the computer screen. Someone else had had the same idea, and beaten
me to it. What a waste of a good paper napkin!
About me
I have been writing poetry and stories since I was a child, and a love of reading was instilled in me from an early age. I am passionate about writing, and hope you enjoy the books I have written. Whilst most of you sleep soundly in your beds, like many Parkinson’s patients, insomnia dictates, so during those hours that sleep eludes me, the house is tranquil and quiet, an atmosphere perfect to immerse myself in writing. My life has been a series of strange events, which have without doubt contributed to my creativity. To publish anything is to bear one’s soul to the world. It is to stand naked and let everyone see who you really are. I have poured my heart and soul out on paper and I hope to share this journey, immersing you in a story, capturing your attention and firing the imagination. Through my writing and public speaking I hope to bring greater awareness to the general public about living with chronic disease.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Excellent aid
I have great difficulty in getting in and out of a
car, and need to park my behind on the seat first and then swivel my legs around into the car.
I think in my case, this is mostly due to the Gaucher disease rather than the Parkinson's.
Nevertheless, it is a common problem for many. Sherryl from the Young@Park always
finds interesting information and shares it with the Parkinson's community. I
wrote an article for The Huffington Post recently about problems choosing a car
with a boot large enough to hold a standard wheelchair, so wanted to tell you
of Sherryl's recent report of an incredibly useful gadget to help getting in
and out of a car. It always amazes me of how people come up with these new
inventions. Whenever I see something like this, I always wonder "why didn't I think of that?" - I'm sure we all do the same thing!
Sometimes something so simple and small can really make a difference. Take a
look at the site about "Handybar Automobility Solution Kit.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Regrettably, I have experienced first hand stigma and
ignorance regarding Parkinson's, and even found some patients who are unwilling
to talk about certain symptoms of the disease and side effects of medications,
for fear of alienation and shame. To put Parkinson's in a nut shell, (I dearly
wish I could) and like a walnut just crush it to pieces, but sadly we know
that's not going to happen! Parkinson's and many neurological diseases, to
explain in simple layman's terms, is basically a malfunction where the brain is
not making enough of a particular chemical that our body's delicate balance
requires to function in a normal and healthy fashion. Just like millions of
women who give birth, suddenly their hormones are thrown awry, all due to a
temporary imbalance. Parkinson's unfortunately isn't temporary, but neither is
it contagious, nor poses a threat to others; mostly the disease is grossly misunderstood.
Education and information are my only tools to try and change the mindset of
those who are ill informed.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Take medications on time

Monday, January 28, 2013
Registering pain

Sunday, January 27, 2013
A new lease on life
For several months leading up to moving, emotionally I
was at an all time low, for we were living in the most difficult and
uncomfortable circumstances. Although exhausted from the upheaval and recent
move, this house has literally given me a new lease on life, and living in an
environment that makes me and my family feel good, couldn't have come at a
better time. Even the dog appears happier! Often one sees on television home
improvement programmes, where a team of experts change the appearance of a
home, and wow us with inventive ideas and colour schemes. I was very concerned
to create an atmosphere that would ooze tranquillity and calm, using warm
natural colours. It's amazing how simply colour can affect one's mood, and
although there are still things to finish, a few boxes left to unpack; we are
making headway and it is wonderful to be here.
It takes me so long to do just simple things, and I
tire easily, so you'll have to forgive me for not writing more this morning.
Friday, January 25, 2013
It's the weekend!
have been in our new home for 25 days, and so far I haven't fallen once, which
has to be a good sign! However, I have "fallen" in love with this
house. We feel very much at home, and all our careful planning seems to have
paid off, making our house a safe, disabled friendly, low maintenance home.
My husband takes out
our dog every morning for a walk and has met a few of our new neighbours.
Whilst out walking the other morning, I thought they'd been gone an unusually
long time, when they suddenly appeared on the doorstep with a neighbour and his
dog in tow. I've always said that walking a dog is an ice breaker, a canine
ambassador of sorts who introduces you effortlessly to other people walking
their dogs. It was great to meet a new neighbour, and within minutes discovering they have someone in their family with Parkinson's. There are millions of Parkinson's patients
around the world; unfortunately you don’t have to look very far to find another
family who has been affected or touched by this disease.
I can hardly believe
it is Friday again - and wonder where the last week vanished to. However
quickly the days pass, I am pleased to say that the cardboard boxes
are also vanishing just as quick. I don't think I ever want to see a packing
box or a roll of brown tape again in my life! I am taking great delight in throwing out the empty boxes along with the endless reams of bubble wrap and tissue paper.
My latest article appears on The Huffington Post if you would like
to take a look. I wish you all a very
good weekend, and hope that those of you who are snowed in, stay warm and dry.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
The Gaucher medication is administered by
infusion, so 15 years ago I had a Port-a-Cath surgically inserted under the skin
in my chest; a one way valve for patients receiving frequent infusions. At the time,
the optimum dosage of enzyme replacement therapy for Gaucher patients was given
once a week, and to save the veins, a Port-a-Cath was recommended. To enable
"home treatment" my husband was taught in the hospital how to insert
the special needle into a 2 mm diameter circle of silicon, by merely feeling
with his forefinger and thumb. This required not only guts to stick a needle
into me, but great dexterity, for 2 mm is a pretty small area. A fair amount of
pressure is required to puncture the skin and the silicon, until the needle touches
the back of the titanium vessel. A 25 cm long tube is attached from this vessel,
winding around the collar bone and down to one of the main arteries leading to
the heart, which ensures the medication is pumped efficiently and quickly
throughout the system. The Port-a-Cath was implanted under full anaesthetic,
but 15 years later when it had come to the end of it's "shelf life",
it was removed in the Day Clinic under local anaesthetic. My husband, who is
not in the least bit squeamish wanted to watch the procedure, but the doctor
refused and made him stand behind a curtain, whist the surgeon and nurse struggled
to extricate this device which had embedded itself into my chest muscles over
the years. After quite a struggle, the Port-a-Cath was dislodged and removed.
My husband had stood for 40 minutes behind the curtain, watching the entire
procedure in the reflection of a shiny cabinet that was positioned just right! My
husband doesn't miss a thing! Today I have an infusion for Gaucher once every
two weeks and a nurse is sent to our house to insert a regular i.v. needle into
my arm.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Memory and repetition
Not all Parkinson's patients will
experience cognitive difficulties, but as the disease progresses, a fairly
large percentage have problems with memory and general mental ability. I was
diagnosed with Parkinson's almost six years ago, and my memory is affected to
some degree. I know that I often repeat myself, having forgotten I've
already asked a question. This understandably becomes very tiresome and frustrating to say the
least for my husband and daughter. Sometimes I must really try their patience,
and who can blame them for getting annoyed? I would probably be equally
irritated if I were in their shoes. However, understanding and tolerance should be shown, for it's very
hurtful and demeaning to be told flatly "you've asked that 3 times already!"
Apart from making me feel bad, I think twice about speaking now, as
I'm afraid of repeating myself. Patients can often retreat within themselves, feeling embarrassed, and end up not talking at all. This is a bad scenario, for having been a
chatter box my entire life, I have become much less talkative. Although hearing
someone repeat themselves again and again must be enough to drive anyone up the
wall; just stop and think a moment of how the person who has Parkinson's must be
feeling. I'm always nervous of forgetting someone's name, not knowing if I'm repeating
myself; makes me very hesitant and self conscious. To be totally honest;
not remembering if I've said something or asked a question already and forgotten the answer, makes me feel like an idiot. I
can assure you, I don't repeat myself for the fun of it, or get some deranged amusement from
driving everyone crazy. Please show empathy and as much patience as you can muster when
in the company of someone with Parkinson's.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
The best support

Monday, January 21, 2013
Pain is draining

Having been totally pre-occupied with moving house, I haven't had my hair cut for some months now. With no mirrors yet in our house, it wasn't until my husband hung a full length mirror in the bedroom yesterday; that I got a shock seeing what I look like. My thick hair had grown into a bush, resembling someone who had been pulled through a hedge backwards. I immediately phoned our hairdresser, and thankfully he managed to fit me in. Having my hair washed at the hairdresser is so much more comfortable than me struggling at home. To hold my arms up and effectively wash my hair and rinse out thoroughly the shampoo and conditioner is hard to do, and much easier with someone's assistance. I have little strength in my arms and hands and even my fingers are swollen and painful. Any way enough of me griping, it's not in my nature; I have much to be grateful for and refuse to let ill health get the better of me, and will continue to maintain a positive attitude.
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Waking in the morning, for many Parkinson's
patients is an agonising experience, for during the night, the body becomes stiff
and rigid, therefore moving in bed or attempting to get up can be very difficult. I
almost feel like the tin man in The Wizard of Oz, creaking and needing oiled joints
to loosen the rigidity. If only it were that easy! It's hard to find a
comfortable position in bed, and should I want to change positions, it's
painful moving. Once up and out of bed, after a while I loosen up a little, but
my balance is poor, and have fallen several times recently. Thankfully each
time I've been lucky and had a soft landing. Moving house recently has really
taken it out of me, and my energy levels are at an all time low. Some days I feel as if I am
running on an empty tank and in slow motion. I used to be so organised and
quick, a master of multi tasking. Now things are very different, and I'm lucky
if I manage to complete something at all, before getting distracted or losing
focus on what I am doing. But all this comes with the territory - Parkinson's has many symptoms and stages, and each
patient is a different story, so I was surprised to read that there are five
stages of Parkinson's:
Symptoms in one side of the body,
poor posture, shaking and tremors.
Affecting both sides of the body,
daily tasks difficult to perform.
Balance and impairment - mild to
moderate slow movement.
Severe disability - balance and
Wheelchair bound - not able to
take care of oneself.
My latest article appears in The Huffington Post if you'd like to take a look.
Friday, January 18, 2013
Wrong impression
We live in a rural area and have the pleasure of being surrounded by
fields, orchards and a forest. I wanted to check there were no future plans for
development or perish the thought, high rise apartment buildings going up
behind us. I visited the local building planning office, asking a lady at
the front desk, I was told I'd have to submit my request in writing and
wait to be invited to a committee that sits once every two weeks to discuss
such matters. Having hoped for immediate information, my face dropped, and
looking despondent, leaned on her desk and said "my husband wont be pleased
if I go home without an answer!"
What I had forgotten, was that both my arms were badly bruised (one bruises easily with Gaucher disease) and I literally looked as if I had been beaten up. The lady looked me up and down, told me to wait a moment whilst she hurried into the back office where I could see her talking to another woman sitting at a desk. The two of them simultaneously looked over in my direction, and then continued in their hushed tones. The lady returned to the counter and told me that they didn't usually give out information informally, but she was concerned for me and would make an exception.
As she spoke, I noticed her glancing at my arms and it suddenly occurred to me, she had assumed I had taken a beating. Little did she know that Gaucher disease was solely responsible for my colourful bruises, and most definitely not my gentle, loving darling husband. I didn't say anything. Leaving the office armed with the information, and thinking for once, having Gaucher had unwittingly given me an advantage, although now my husband had a questionable reputation! Arriving home I told my husband what had happened, to which he was mortified, and told me out right that he wasn't going to set foot in that office if they were under the impression that I was a beaten wife. I can't say I blame him! However, we are now safe with the knowledge that the fields behind us will stay agricultural land.
Have a good weekend.
What I had forgotten, was that both my arms were badly bruised (one bruises easily with Gaucher disease) and I literally looked as if I had been beaten up. The lady looked me up and down, told me to wait a moment whilst she hurried into the back office where I could see her talking to another woman sitting at a desk. The two of them simultaneously looked over in my direction, and then continued in their hushed tones. The lady returned to the counter and told me that they didn't usually give out information informally, but she was concerned for me and would make an exception.
As she spoke, I noticed her glancing at my arms and it suddenly occurred to me, she had assumed I had taken a beating. Little did she know that Gaucher disease was solely responsible for my colourful bruises, and most definitely not my gentle, loving darling husband. I didn't say anything. Leaving the office armed with the information, and thinking for once, having Gaucher had unwittingly given me an advantage, although now my husband had a questionable reputation! Arriving home I told my husband what had happened, to which he was mortified, and told me out right that he wasn't going to set foot in that office if they were under the impression that I was a beaten wife. I can't say I blame him! However, we are now safe with the knowledge that the fields behind us will stay agricultural land.
Have a good weekend.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Planning ahead
In answer to some of your questions regarding making a home as
comfortable as possible for a disabled person, with low maintenance and safety
high on the agenda; here are some of the small, yet essential things we picked
up on our learning curve of designing a home based on my needs. These ideas are
applicable not only for disability but also practical tips planning ahead for
old age.
These are just some of the features that make a huge difference, however
small they may appear. There are many more, but if there is anything in particular
that you would like to ask about - please feel free to write to me and I would
be happy to answer you.
The biggest and most obvious feature being that all doors and
corridors are large enough to allow a wheelchair or Zimmer frame to comfortably
Make sure your bathroom mirror is measured and positioned at the
correct height, by sitting in a wheelchair in front of the place you intend
hanging the mirror. In our bathroom, the mirror has to be hung relatively low
to ensure that I can see my face whilst in a wheelchair, yet it has to be high
enough for my husband to see himself when standing up. Hence our bathroom
mirror has to be quite large to take into consideration both heights.
The kitchen tap has been placed a little further forward than in
a regular kitchen, so that I need not bend over or have to stretch to use the
tap, and as I mentioned the other day, instead of having the fashionable
spindle like lever, we opted for last year's fashion where the lever is far
more robust and easy for those with little dexterity.
The toilet roll holder and the safety hand rails are clearly best
positioned if you sit on the toilet when marking the place that is the most
comfortable and effective for you.
Instead of fiddly hooks for towels, in the bathroom we have
large rings that make it easier with impaired dexterity in one's fingers.
The counter top in the kitchen has a small ridge of 1/2 cm
around it to stop things rolling off onto the floor.
The runners of the patio doors are sunk into the floor that open
leading out into the garden, making a flat as possible surface for easy
wheelchair access.
Light switches have naturally been lowered, but also extra
switches added so that a corridor can be lit from either end, and likewise the
light turned off, no matter which end one is standing.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Live in hope
Parkinson's by very nature, makes its unwelcome presence felt constantly
and doesn't let up; with great momentum continuing to antagonise the sufferer
24/7. It affects every aspect of one's life including that of close family and
friends who are brave enough to stick by you through thick and thin. With heightened
awareness, the vast amount of research and development going on around the
world, looks very promising, with new procedures producing positive results, a
cure or treatment has to be very close. So many pharmaceutical companies are
tirelessly working to be the first to come up with a wonder drug, as if in some
sort of race. It is indeed a race, for many
of us are running out of time. I had a sudden thought, or maybe a wishful
daydream, wondering what it would feel like to actually be cured. No more
shaking, tremors, falling down, and all the other horrid symptoms and side
effects from the many medications patients depend on to make it through each
day. I closed my eyes to imagine what it would be like to live a normal life
again. How dearly I would love to be re-introduced to the world from which I have
now been excluded. The thought of walking briskly with my dog through the
forest, or running with her on the beach, strolling hand in hand with my
husband along the sea front, or even something as simple as getting out of bed
unassisted and without all the groans that make me sound and look like I'm a
100 years old. Some dream of fame or fortune, others of winning the lottery -
but I dream of the day a cure is discovered and made available to all those in
need. I live in hope.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Quality of life
Since moving, the quality of
my life, not to mention that of my family, has improved vastly. The nurse
arrived at our new home, to administer my Gaucher medication, and it is such a
pleasure sitting in the lounge, looking out, the sunshine streaming in through
the windows filling the entire room with light and warmth. As I sit here
writing this morning, attached to the i.v. having my home treatment, I realise the
enormous improvement a well thought out disabled friendly house can have on the
quality of life for someone like myself. Should I need to visit the bathroom
during the hour and a half infusion, which inevitably happens - it's Murphy's Law; this
house has wide corridors and doorways, enabling me to wheel my i.v. stand and enter
the bathroom without a problem. Living in a safe and comfortable environment
really makes a huge difference. I knew life would be easier for me, but until
actually moving in, I had no idea to what degree. The design and thought spent
on this house, has affected me in a huge positive way. Some of the features may
sound small to those who are healthy, but some of the little things, such as
the design of the kitchen, is a huge transformation for me. For example, there
is a kitchen island, giving me something solid to hold onto should my balance
be off. The kitchen tap has a robust lever which is easy to grab hold of for
anyone with Parkinson's. The man in the shop tried selling us a more stylish
slim tap with a spindly lever, but once I explained the lack of dexterity in my
fingers, he understood, and brought out last year's designs from the back of
the storeroom, which were far more suitable to my needs. So I have last year's
tap design - it doesn't bother me! Instead of cupboards, I have pull out
drawers containing all the necessary things I would use on a daily basis, which
are far easier than regular cupboards with fixed shelves. I am extremely happy
with the way the house has turned out. It is undoubtedly well worth
investigating, and finding out as much information as possible, from
professionals in this field and also gleaning advice from disabled people who
may have valuable personal experience.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Soft landing
Falling is a common symptom of Parkinson's, and can cause
complications one frankly can do without. I fell again recently, on the day
we moved house, but luckily fell into our dog's bed providing a soft landing. We
have a huge dog, and therefore her bed is extremely large, but I did however
bang my head hard on the ridge of her bed. Laying there with my legs ungainly
hanging over the end of her bed, must have been quite a comic picture, and our
dog curiously nuzzled me, baffled as to why I had decided to take a sudden rest
in her bed! Although thankful to land on something soft, the thought of laying
there in our dog's smelly, hair covered blankets made me want to jump into the shower
immediately! The removal van had just arrived, so my shower had to wait until
the evening once we were in the new house. One of the workers from the removal firm
saw me fall, and thoughtfully gave me a drink, and although I appreciated his
concern, it made me wonder why people always offer a glass of water or a cup of
sweet tea when something unexpected happens. I think the gesture actually makes
the onlooker feel better and gives them something constructive to do, rather
than actually helping the person in distress. Although the workers were
unaware of my medical condition, once they saw my crutches, wheelchair and i.v.
stand, I think it was pretty clear that I'm not in the best of health. I don't know of anyone who likes moving house,
and I have moved more times than I care to remember, so I have no intention of
moving again. Home is where you hang your hat, and my hat is out of its box and
hanging on the wall. I'm not going anywhere - I'm finally home!
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Intolerance to noise
Moving house is a tense time for anyone, but for someone with
Parkinson's, it can be a nightmare. Recently having workmen finishing various
things in our house, making a mess, sometimes leaving a thin film of white dust
like a ghostly shroud covering everything in sight, the noise of many labourers coming and going, shouting commands to each other; all this commotion really
grates on my nerves. After several days of an unsettling disturbing atmosphere,
I began to feel quite unwell. Thankfully there is very little left to be done
now, and just the garden is left to be planted. I've found that Parkinson's has
made my hearing very acute, creating an intolerance to loud noise. If music is
too loud it becomes almost unpleasant, even if its something I enjoy listening
to. Loud bangs, or heavy machinery, people yelling, and even scraping of chairs
in a restaurant, all aggravate and cause tension. It’s almost as if I have super
hearing powers with an audible range like Superman. I don't know if others
with Parkinson's disease experience this peculiar phenomena; I'd be interested to hear. Although I've lost my
sense of smell, and my eyesight is appalling, my hearing has somehow become
heightened, and yet the volume of my voice occasionally becomes very hard to
hear. Go figure! who can explain the many strange and varied symptoms bestowed upon the
unlucky individual with Parkinson's disease?
Friday, January 11, 2013
An amazing man
Today's blog, is dedicated to my amazing husband. Like a heaven
sent angel who has no wings, my dearest has the patience of a saint. He must have
very broad shoulders to succeed in working full time, taking care of me, and just
completing building a disabled friendly home especially with my needs in mind.
He takes everything with a pinch of salt, and remains calm when others would
possibly be tearing their hair out. How he manages to achieve all he does is
beyond me. When we fell in love and married, he knew I had Gaucher disease, but
neither of us could have imagined what the future held in store, and by
some cruel twist of fate, I would be diagnosed at age 44 with Parkinson's. Many
spouses would run as fast as they could from such a situation; but not
my man. He steadfastly stands by my side, sometimes understandably with a
pained expression as I repeat myself for the umpteenth time, or take forever to
do something simple as making a cup of tea, breaking yet another glass or dish,
and am now far from the capable young vibrant woman he married. Yet he never
complains, and stays cheerful and ever hopeful, supporting me in every way possible,
encouraging me to write and continue campaigning for Gaucher and Parkinson's. I
told him he never need buy me another present, for he has given me all I could
possibly want and need. I have the best husband in the world who I cherish, a
loving daughter, and now a beautiful purpose built home which I would never
have dreamt of having in a million years. I have so much to be grateful for,
and despite suffering two diseases, I am truly blessed. Thank you my darling husband
for all the wonderful times we've had and the great memories we've yet to make
together. You are one of a kind, and I marvel at how after all these years you
still manage to surprise and amaze me; you continue to take my breath away. May
we have many years filled with happiness ahead of us. I only wish I could give
you even half of what you have given me, and take care of you, the way you look after me. You deserve so much more. I have always
loved you with all my heart and always will.
Happy Anniversary
I fell in
love with you a long time ago,
What future
held in store, we did not know,
My heart
beats faster, with every breath I take,
side by side, with each step we take,
My chest
could burst, so full, may overflow,
run fast, no way to make them slow.
Only one
man, holds the keys to my heart,
You held my
heart strings, right from the start.
strings are strong, and never shall break,
are they, make no mistake.
There's a
place in my heart, only you can fill,
I’ve forever
loved you, and eternally will,
by Elaine Benton - 2013©
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Home sweet home
What a pleasure it is to finally be in our house - I feel so at
home and comfortable that I could happily never venture outdoors again!
But don't worry, I'm not going to become like the
great Hemingway and turn into a recluse! Although I wish I had his
incredible talent for writing; becoming one of America's classics, still highly
regarded today. I might be tempted to stay home a while enjoying the house we have planned, talked about and dreamed of for so long, but I'm sure to
venture out once things get straight. Trying to think of every eventuality,
building a disabled friendly house, and with old age in mind, we sought advice
from wheelchair bound people, who have built their own houses, to social
workers, doctors, physiotherapists, sales people in shops selling bathroom
fittings specifically for the handicapped, and of course there is a fortune of
information on the Internet. Our builder very soon understood my requirements,
and together with his in-house architect we worked closely together creating a
suitable living environment. All doorways are 90 cm and corridors are one meter
wide to allow wheelchair access. My side of the bed is closest to the entrance
of the bedroom and right next to the en-suite bathroom, with plenty of room
to manoeuvre. All light switches in
the house have been lowered, and hand rails installed next to the toilet and
shower. The non-slip flooring in the bathroom is amazing. I thought it would
feel rather rough (like sandpaper) underfoot, but it is quite comfortable to
walk upon and certainly much safer than regular floor tiles. I've also been
told that it is fairly easy to keep clean. The kitchen has easy pulling out
drawers that accommodate most of the things I use on a daily basis,
and the cupboards that are higher up and out of my reach, are for wine glasses
and all those things that I would prefer not to touch and risk breaking! Storage is always an important issue for anyone, and thankfully we appear to have plenty. The
garden has yet to be done, and at the moment is a muddy bare area, but it will
have raised flower beds so that I can reach with ease, which will be filled
with hardy plants requiring little maintenance. I can't tell you how
this move has lifted our spirits and boosted our morale. It has literally given
me a new lease on life. One's emotional state is very much connected to
Parkinson's - any anxiety or stress greatly exacerbate the disease at a scary
and alarming speed, and equally any good news or changes for the better have a
great positive effect almost pushing this rotten disease to the side lines for
a while. I think 2013 is going to be a very good year!
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Spirits lifted
We lived for some years in a very small apartment, totally
unsuitable for a disabled person. The doorways and corridors not wide enough to
allow a wheelchair through; a dangerous slippery bathroom tiled floor, steep
steps leading out into a tiny garden, were some of the problems to mention a
few. A more unsuitable apartment would be hard to find! Although cosy and
charming; having made many happy memories there, it was time to move on, to
somewhere that suited my needs. Now in our house that has been made especially
with my disability in mind, life should be more comfortable and already feeling
at home in our new surroundings, my spirits feel lifted. Waking up the first
morning, seeing the sun streaming in through the windows, and looking around,
was a fantastic feeling. Taking a shower was a pleasure; the non-slip floor
tiles gave me a feeling of security and safety. Having our first breakfast here, trying to find where everything was in the kitchen took a while, but eventually we managed to make some coffee and locate the cereal. It will take me some time to
recover from this move, and running on adrenaline and pushing myself to the
limit, has now left me depleted of energy and worn out. My husband has born the
brunt of all the anxieties and organizing things, running here and there, and
somehow holding it together throughout the last few months, which I am
eternally grateful for. It has been a very difficult period for him, working
full time, and building our house whilst taking care of me, ensuring I was relieved
from any stress or worries. As anyone with Parkinson's knows, anxiety exacerbates
the disease at an accelerated speed. However, we are thrilled to be here and
have no intention of ever moving again! I would love to tell you of all the disabled
friendly features that we've incorporated into the house, but you will have to
wait for another day. I'm afraid it is taking a great deal of effort to type this
morning. So I will bid you all a lovely day wherever you may be in the world,
till we meet again tomorrow.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Moving house
After almost 7 years of planning; designing, dreaming, much frustration
and waiting, we finally moved into our disabled friendly house which has been
built especially with my needs in mind. Packing up an entire household is a
mammoth job, and I was ruthless when it came to getting rid of unnecessary
clutter that we are all guilty of accumulating over the years. I started
packing way in advance, as I could only manage a little each day and found it an
exhausting and time consuming job. If a piece of clothing no longer fits, and
you haven't worn it in a few years - get rid of it. The same applies to
household items that are either broken, not used; simply taking up space and
gathering dust. Obviously certain sentimental objects one wants to keep, that
remind us of good times or loved ones who are no longer with us. The day
arrived to move, and a feeling of excitement along with the surreal feeling
that this was all a dream, after waiting so long, made for some very mixed emotions.
The removal company efficiently and quickly performed their job, and within a
few hours we were surrounded once again by boxes, but now in our new house. I
would like to thank all our family and friends who have helped us in various
ways; from bringing us prepared food so we wouldn't have to cook for the first
days, doing laundry as our washing basket started to overflow, and helping to
unpack the kitchen ware. I am very grateful for this wonderful and most practical
help at a very stressful and physically challenging time - thank you! Going to sleep the first night in our new home
was very exciting, but as thrilling as it was, exhaustion finally took over,
and I think we all fell asleep as our heads touched the pillows. Life will be
so much easier for me now, living in a house especially designed with Gaucher
and Parkinson's in mind. We have tried our best to take every aspect into
account, but no doubt there will be something that we forgot or overlooked. .
Monday, January 7, 2013
I sail in my dreams
Have you ever looked in the mirror and wondered who on earth is staring
back at you? Parkinson's is slowly stealing away my smile and expression. Now
if I were a Poker player, this would give me a distinct advantage, but other
than that, it makes if very difficult for others to know what I am thinking. I
barely recognise myself any more. The reflection staring back at me has no
expression, just a blank empty look. Recently I went sailing with my husband,
and whilst he steered the helm, hoisted the sails, tacked back and forth; I sat
like a lady of leisure, unable to be of help at all - although I did make the
sandwiches! At one point my husband looked at my 'masked face' and unable to
read what I was thinking, asked if I was feeling sea sick. Fortunately I was
not, as there was little wind and the sea was as calm and still as a millpond.
"No I feel great" I answered, thinking back to the days of my youth
when I dreamt about circumnavigating the world - a sailing expedition that
would be an experience of a lifetime. This never came to fruition, so I sail in
my dreams and live through the excitement of others who have achieved their
goals. I am in contact with the author, Lois Joy Hofmann, who circumnavigated
the world with her husband - intrepid adventurers visiting many countries and
experiencing life at sea, a far cry from the corporate world they left behind.
Lois has just had her latest book released 'Sailing the South Pacific' - a
wonderful read for anyone who has a passion for adventure and sailing, experiencing
life to the full.
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Due to lack of balance, Parkinson's patients are prone to fall, and this
can lead to a myriad of problems. Having fallen several times, I have been
lucky so far not to have done any serious damage, but my most recent fall was a
different story. Making sure that one's home is disabled friendly includes
having a clear path to walk throughout the house, and unfortunately due to our
recent move, packing boxes everywhere, resembling a warehouse, it became a slalom
course getting from one room to another. Falling one day, I landed on my face
and hit my jaw bone on a hard surface. I had terrible pains in my lower jaw, and convinced it
was just bruised, I didn't go to the doctor, which on hindsight - was probably not a wise move. If you do fall, don't wait; go to your doctor. This is a classic case of "do as I say and not as I do." After several days the pain persisted, not only in my jaw bone but spreading to my teeth, radiating up towards my
ear. This did not look like a good sign! I felt like my teeth were erupting and
so immediately made a visit to our wonderful friendly dentist, who I trust implicitly. After x-rays and
a thorough check-up, thankfully he found no fractures or visible damage to my
jaw bone or teeth, but the trauma that my jaw and teeth sustained from the fall, is
definitely going to take some time to heal. To refrain from falling is
extremely important, and any loose rugs or carpets, small items left on the
floor that should not be there, or large packing boxes that are simply in the
way, is an accident waiting to happen. If your balance is poor and you are
unsteady on your feet, use a crutch or walker to ensure you don't fall. No one
likes to be seen with a walking aid, but put vanity aside and make safety your
first priority. Falling is no joke, so make your surroundings appropriate and
avoid serious injury.
Friday, January 4, 2013
Fashion tips
My sister-in-law has an
elegance about her and no matter what she is wearing she always looks chic. Clearly this runs in her family as her mother and sister also possess this
attribute, which annoyingly, I seem to lack. Either you are born with this
innate sophistication or you're not. Unfortunately I was not endowed with grace
or style and it has taken me some years to learn these things which do not come
naturally to me. Admiring my sister-in-law's new short comfortable boots easy to
pull on, no zips or laces; a flat pliable rubber sole that looked non-slip, stylish
yet simple - I couldn't help but ask where she had bought them. Finding
footwear that is comfortable, easy to put on and take off, that one can safely
walk in and are attractive is a tall order. This year however, there seem to be
a large range of ladies boots in the shops, so if you need a pair of boots, now
is the time to buy. A friend of mine who runs "Wardrobe", having been in the fashion business for many years, offering women advice on dressing for any occasion, gave me a few more tips. One was to invest in a pair of classic
earrings, (if you don't already own a pair) that you can wear all the time and
sleep in, thereby eliminating the need to remove fiddly earrings when going to
bed. She told me that to achieve a good look - the earrings should be in
proportion to your face, a thought which had never crossed my mind. Another
item that may be overlooked is if you wear glasses; again it's worth investing
in good frames that suit your face, after all, glasses frame your eyes, which
is the first thing people see. I made a short poetry reading on YouTube during
2011, and was shocked when I happened to see it the other day. My hair was so
long (this was before my "make-over") and I still had facial
expressions. My face now often frozen, makes me feel very self conscious.
During a clinical trial several years ago, I was video taped walking, and my picture
was taken so there would be a pictorial record of my facial expression. If they
were to take my picture today, they would no doubt clearly see the difference -
a sort of before and after picture, except usually the before pictures are
awful and the after pictures are the ones that make us go WOW! Parkinson's
seems to turn everything upside down and back to front!
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Childhood days
I dedicate this poem to someone special who has a birthday today.
Memories of childhood days I find,
When summer colours float through my mind.
Playing on the beach barefoot and free.
Picking strawberries, and blackberries too,
Telling endless stories for your sister and you.
We shared many times, I cannot forget,
Memories raced back, when last we met.
The wind in my hair, and salt on my face,
Sand in my shoes and all over the place.
Sailing, a huge part of my life it became,
Once you've sailed, things are never the same.
Black Wellington boots, and duffle bags,
Wet creosote and oily rags.
Rounds of sandwiches and flasks of tea,
Of my childhood, these remind me.
Millbeach, was a part of my past,
And forever the smell of sea shall last.
For these memories of childhood days I find,
When summer colours float through my mind.
Written by Elaine Benton ©2013
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Another day with Parkinson's
Life is hard - even if you don't suffer from ill health, in today's
world, it's not easy to make ends meet, and to uphold a certain standard of
living. With the economy worldwide in poor shape, a disabled person, often on a
small disability pension; times can be very hard. There are so many extra
expenses when chronically ill, and if one were to chart all these additions, it
would be quite shocking, as they add up to a tidy sum. The financial side is generally
overlooked, and no one, unless in your shoes, knows how difficult life can be. To
give you a few simple examples:
Purchasing prescription medications.
Purchasing additional medications that require no prescription which are
considered "alternative" or "holistic" medicines and are
usually highly expensive.
Any special equipment, walking sticks, crutches, wheel chair, hand rails
for bathroom, raised toilet seat, electric bed, heating pads, good shoes or
house slippers with proper support.
Loss of spouse's income when spending the day in hospital, not counting
all the doctor's appointments, time spent going to the pharmacy, plus car
parking charges in medical centres and hospital car parks.
Often little or no time to take food and drink with to hospital, one
ends up spending money in the hospital cafeteria.
Much time is spent contacting various authorities when chronically ill
and in need of assistance. The amount of running around, bureaucratic forms
that have to be filled out by not just your doctor, but an array of health
officials, takes precious time, and
again, if the person who is ill cannot get to these offices, then the spouse
who brings in the sole income for the family, has to once again take time off
Although the saying "money can't buy you health" is true, but
having money makes life much easier and just a little less fraught when chronically
ill by alleviating the financial burden.
Take a look at my latest article entitled "The Happy Gene" on The Huffington Post"
Take a look at my latest article entitled "The Happy Gene" on The Huffington Post"
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
New Year's resolutions

Happy New Year to you all. If you partied last night and are a little
worse off for wear this morning, then go and make a pot of coffee and we'll
have breakfast together. You may live half way across the world or simply
around the corner, but through the Internet, we are brought together. I am
sitting here in my kitchen, the rest of the household still asleep, and yet I
am with you, as I sip my coffee, and talk to you on this chilly but bright day.
Waking up this morning, realising another year has gone by, we reflect over precious
times; wondering what the future holds in store, and what the coming year will
bring. Making new year's resolutions is easy, but keeping them; that's the hard
part! My new year's resolution will be the same as it's always been; to enjoy
life to full, not waste a moment and spend as much time as possible with those
I love. I thought I would start the new year off with a poem. I wrote this in
2011, but it was written about an event that nearly cost me my life. The human
spirit is extremely resilient, and clearly I have much left to do in this life,
otherwise I don't think I would still be here. I have not published this poem
before, so you are the first to see it:
A Wish
By Elaine Benton © 2011
Adorning endless skies of blue,
Feathery clouds gently float,
Lightly moving with soft winds,
I heavenly sail a cosmic boat.
Darkness falls, tiny lights appear,
Brilliant stars illuminate the
Grant my wish, star vivid up high,
With all my heart, my eyes close
I once journeyed to the other side,
But twas not my time to leave,
Back to life, earthbound once more,
I've more time than you believe.
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