Apart from this diet quickly becoming monotonously
boring, (as many diets turn out to be), it may therefore be difficult to maintain
long term, especially when invited out. I must confess that in my case, I would
lose weight, and this diet is definitely not suitable for me, taking into account my
complicated medical condition. For many Parkinson's patients, this eating
regime, in my eyes, is not recommended. Often my appetite wanes, and the
thought of eating only raw fruits and vegetables would certainly not inspire me,
for I often need some encouragement to eat. Also the effort involved in
munching a bowl full of crunchy raw veggies, would take too much effort and
possibly if not chewed sufficiently, results in choking, a most unpleasant
experience. As they say; "Been there, done that!"
I strongly urge you to
first consult with your doctor before trying any drastic change in diet, for
what may work and prove beneficial to some, could be detrimental to others. I
think a good policy to follow is always be open to hearing new ideas and
suggestions, but before making any changes or decisions, refer with your doctor
or a specialist who fully understands Parkinson's.
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