About me

I have been writing poetry and stories since I was a child, and a love of reading was instilled in me from an early age. I am passionate about writing, and hope you enjoy the books I have written. Whilst most of you sleep soundly in your beds, like many Parkinson’s patients, insomnia dictates, so during those hours that sleep eludes me, the house is tranquil and quiet, an atmosphere perfect to immerse myself in writing. My life has been a series of strange events, which have without doubt contributed to my creativity. To publish anything is to bear one’s soul to the world. It is to stand naked and let everyone see who you really are. I have poured my heart and soul out on paper and I hope to share this journey, immersing you in a story, capturing your attention and firing the imagination. Through my writing and public speaking I hope to bring greater awareness to the general public about living with chronic disease.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Julia Child’s birthday

Today would have been JuliaChild’s 100th birthday. She was one of the first popular American TV chefs, who developed a penchant for French cuisine whilst living in France in 1948 and literally changed how Americans cooked. Julia Child’s  published book was a best seller: “Mastering the Art of French Cooking” and the first of many more which are still referred to today; a testimony of her great success. She had a television show and became one of the world’s most famous chefs, receiving France’s highest honour the Legion d’Honneur. A film was made in 2009 called “Julie & Julia” starring Meryl Streep and Amy Adams which was based on a cooking blog by Julie Powell. I have watched this charming film again and again, appealing to me as I love to cook, and when having a bad day, in pain, and need some distraction, a film like this takes my mind off things and I become engrossed in a delightful story. So tonight I will make something special for dinner in honour of Julia’s birthday – and as she would always say at the end of her programme’s “Bon appétit!”

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