you ever been asked "And how does that make you feel?" This annoying question
often posed by psychologists trying to ascertain what their patient thinks
about a particular topic, can really rub one up the wrong way. How would anyone
feel being diagnosed with Parkinson's at a young age? Angry, devastated, sad,
horrified, disbelief? The list is too long, but not hard to guess. If someone were
to answer otherwise, I think there would be something seriously amiss. So in
hindsight maybe the question isn't so futile.
I have to give credit where credit is due, and understandably a concerned
doctor sent me to a psychologist for he was worried I was either in denial or
didn't fully comprehend the seriousness of my situation. Being an unusual case,
suffering two chronic diseases, doctors have found it difficult to understand
how I keep so positive and cheerful. Complying with his request, I dutifully went
along to see a psychologist. Entering his office with my usual smiling face, I was
met with a very worried expression. After explaining in great detail about
Gaucher and Parkinson's, the psychologist knew I understood completely and
wasn't in denial. He wrote in his file that I have an "unusually healthy
mental attitude".

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